Fear is the main source of superstition and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom, in the pursuit of truth as in the endeavour after a worthy manner of life.

-Bertrand Russell

On the morning of March 8th, the Maestro Hall (in Plaza Indonesia) was filled with a group of women convened together to listen to words of courage and strength delivered by Pastor Rosalba Gongora de Franco hailing from Colombia. What was unique about this event was that the organisers, Ricardo Gomez supported by Susi Hermijanto, decided to donate the proceeds from the sale of the tickets to Rachel House. A great blessing for us all at Rachel House and for our children.

The event started with a brief introduction of Rachel House’s service, followed by a beautiful musical recital by a band of talented youths from IES South, before Pastor Rosalba delivered a moving and inspiring sermon.

The message of the event, Defeat Your Fears, resonated strongly with us all at Rachel House. Much of the challenges our nurses face in delivering palliative care stems from the fears of medical professionals as well as the general public around the issues of sickness and death. Fear of losing a loved one, fear of dying or simply the fear of failing. The subject of death has become such a taboo that it often prevents medical professionals, and even family members, from communicating truthfully with patients. At the moment when a human being needs companionship the most, is communication not paramount? And if communication is undermined, then how can the appropriate care be given? How heartening it was then to find the topic being discussed in the sermon of the day with inspiring stories of how we can all defeat the fears that limit us.

The funds raised from the event will help pay for over 100 home visits by Rachel House’s nurses where palliative care helps relieve the suffering of the children living with cancer and HIV, and education for 250 caregivers that will help add life to the children’s remaining days. The generosity and warmth in the hearts of everyone at the event set our spirit ablaze to keep continuing the care for the children in need.