(by Karenina Putri Yudistira – Communications & Fundraising Officer)

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Do You Know How Loved You Are?
Her name is Angel*. A beautiful and strong little princess born to parents who love her dearly, sent from heaven as a gift for her parents and grandparents. She was born as a healthy baby and brought much happiness and blessings to her family.
However, just when happiness feels like it could last forever, Angel started to have frequent bouts of fever, coughs and colds, with worrying shortness of breath. After several months of countless trips to the clinic, and seemingly never-ending series of painful pokes and jabs that came with the battery of tests, the answer finally came and stole joy from the entire family.
Gently, the doctor said to her parents, “It is with great regret and a very heavy heart that I give you the news that your daughter is diagnosed with an immunity-compromising illness. This is causing the multiple infections in her body, the oral candida (fungal infection), the otitis media (ear infection), and the very concerning situation of malnutrition. She has also tested positive for tuberculosis, that needs to be treated immediately. Angel will need special care and close monitoring.” Hearing the news – like a lightning bolt that decimated their world – Angel’s parents burst into tears, sobbing loudly piercing the hearts of everyone who heard them.
As if things weren’t bad enough. Angel’s parents earn barely enough for their daily living; her father work as a security guard and mother as a washing lady, earning a combined daily income of Rp. 50.000/day. Receiving news that their precious Angel needs special care tore their hearts and sent them into a tornado of worries. Facing this terrifying reality on their own – their baby crying constantly, unable to eat with painful infections in her mouth and rashes all over her body – they were at a loss as to how they will cope.
Noticing this worrying situation and knowing that Angel’s parents need help, Angel’s doctor decided to refer her to Rachel House’s service.
Journey with Rachel House Begins…
On her first visit in July, Nurse Tyas noticed upon entering the house, a little girl all bundled up in her cot, whimpering weakly. Her parents standing by the cot looking lost, and at the same time relieved that help has arrived.
Nurse Tyas sat with the family to explain Rachel House’s service and took the time to listen to their stories as she noted the information down as part of Angel’s medical history. She gently guided them with questions on Angel’s latest condition, “Have you seen changes in her oral thrush since taking the medicine? Has Angel been able to sleep through the night?”
After gathering sufficient medical information, Nurse Tyas said in her gentle happy voice, “Let’s have a look at how you are, lovely Angel.” She spoke quietly and played with her until a sweet smile with dimples appeared on her face. Then, she deftly checked her condition with the complete set of medical equipment she carried in her nurse kit, while holding Angel with great care and affection.
Once the medical check-up is over, Tyas sat down with the family to go through with them the list of medication the doctor had prescribed for Angel. She made certain that the family understood how to administer them. Tyas also assured them that they will not be alone, as Rachel House will be available to assist at any time, 24/7.
“We will visit regularly to check on Angel and make sure she is comfortable. In the meantime, we will send the special milk recommended by the doctor.” The look of relief on the parents’ faces was heart wrenching. They had been so worried as the milk Angel needed is clearly beyond their financial means. “Please do not worry and remember to get some rest for yourselves. You need all your strength to help Angel get better. If you have any questions, just call me directly on my number. I’m always here for you”.
On Angel’s monthly checkups at the hospital, she is accompanied by her grandmother and a member of Rachel House’s team. This is to make certain that Angel’s doctor is fully briefed on her condition by the homecare medical team, so that the appropriate medications and treatment are prescribed.
By now, Angel’s grandmother is the main caregiver at home while her parents are working. Grandma is on the speed dial with Nurse Tyas, regularly keeping her informed of Angel’s progress. She would send pictures of symptoms that concern her when she needs guidance. But lately, Grandma has been sending pictures of Angel laughing and playing, showing proudly how her granddaughter is blossoming and thriving.
In early October, Nurse Tyas returned on her regular visits to check on Angel. “Wow, Angel has gained a lot of weight grandma, her cheeks are adorable,” said nurse Tyas excitedly.
“Of course, the milk is really potent. She is eating so well and really enjoys her meals,” Grandmother exclaimed joyfully. Nurse Tyas was ecstatic and relieved to hear this. “She is also sleeping really well now. I make sure she takes her medicine regularly. The child is more active and cheerful, and you should listen to her laugh! She is so loud. Did you know that she is now learning to sit up on her own?” Grandma could not stop bragging about her precious granddaughter. Nurse Tyas reached out to give Angel a bear hug with great love, constantly whispering in ear how very smart and beautiful she is.
After completing the medical check-up, Tyas brought out a weighing scale from her bag. And indeed, Angel has put on 500 grams in less than 10 days. A major celebration. Everyone in the room clapped with joy, knowing how hard everyone has worked to return Angel to health. When it was time for us to leave, Tyas hugged Angel tightly and whispered, “You are so amazing, Angel. I will see you next week.”
Angel, our little bundle of joy, is a fearless fighter and the star that burns bright. She stole our hearts and inspired us all with her courage and tenacity.
Everyone who meets our Angel would be struck by the magic of the miracle that she is.
*Name changed for privacy