Mia’s Story: The Girl Who Loved Life

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(by Aisha Humaira Aziza – Volunteer) Mia* hugged Keren, her plush toy cat, tightly to her chest. Keren was named after her beloved kitty pet, who had accompanied her through all her ordeals; but sadly passed away a few months ago. First Meeting with Rachel House If most children her age are usually busy with school activities […]

Two Lives Intertwined on a Bumpy Road


(by Annabel Maria Christina – Communications & Fundraising Officer) Lila* and Gani* are two children who share similar life paths. Lila is a 7-year-old girl living with neuroblastoma, a rare cancer that develops from immature nerve cells. Meanwhile, Gani is a 4-year-old boy diagnosed with brain tumour. Lila’s mother is a devoted mother, who takes wonderful […]

The Girls Who Blooms in The Mud


Asteria* is a sweet young 16-year-old girl living with a severely compromised immune system. Asteria was admitted to Rachel House’s service in July 2022, weighing a mere 20 kilogram – the body weight of a 7 year-old – she was frail and very sick. Our nurses discovered her with fungal infection all over her mouth […]

A Courageous Mother

2023 IG Post

That day was particularly cloudy. I went down to the lobby with Nurse Rina to meet our driver for a home visit to Dani*, a patient who has been with Rachel House for about a year. Nurse Rina explained to me that Dani is a 2-year old boy with hydrocephalus, which is apparent from the large […]

Unable To Move, Able To Love

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Husna is just an ordinary little girl – a playful and lovely child taking advantage of the joyful lens of the world afforded by her youth. When she was diagnosed with a brain tumor in early 2019, she was only 9 years old and at that time in her second semester of third grade. The tumor quickly […]

The Little Boy with Braveheart

Happy with his Playstation

(by Lynna Chandra – Founder of Rachel House) Today I heard a sad story. I thought after almost 16 years at Rachel House, I would have heard it all. That nothing would threaten to break my heart and turn me into a mush now. But I was wrong. A 6-year old boy’s story captured my heart today […]

A Giving Heart

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Al* and his aunt live in a tiny home on a densely populated street of Jakarta. Entering the neat and tidy home would have surprised most, especially given the glorious mess on the street just outside. Al’s parents died almost 10 years ago. His aunt has been his constant companion since then. Lucky for him, […]

The Love of A Selfless Grandmother

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“I am afraid to die. Not because I fear death, but I just can’t imagine what would happen to Hans if I were not here?” These are the words often spoken by Hans* grandmother. Hans is one of the many Rachel House patients whose main caregiver is their grandmother. In the autumn of her life, Hans’ […]

Her Last Birthday – A Precious Moment to Remember

Alesha with her favourite Nakano Miku cake

With the sand quickly running out from the hourglass of her life, every remaining moment with her family is precious. So when Alesha’s birthday appeared on the horizon, all of us at Rachel House knew we had to seize the moment and celebrate the gift of these precious lucid hours she had left. The appointed day […]