Patient history

was taken ill in August 2007 with loss of appetite, dry throat and tuberculosis. Laboratory tests of the blood revealed abnormalities with eventual diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia.

In February 2008, Tedi began chemotherapy treatment at Dharmais National Cancer Centre (“RSKD”). Unfortunately, the treatment was not successful in keeping the cancer at bay.

At Rachel HouseIn October 2008, Tedi was referred to Rachel House by RSKD as a homecare patient. By then, Tedi was bedridden and suffered from profuse bleeding from an open wound in the anus area, severe pain and nausea.

As a teenager, Tedi reacted very badly to his illness. He was moody, depressed, and withdrawn. As the wound was in the anus area, it was terribly difficult for the family to manage the wound. During our visits, the nurses often found Tedi in tears from the pain he was experiencing.

The poverty level in the family also made it difficult for Tedi’s mother to cook his favourite food for him. So, we often brought ingredients to enable the family to prepare his favourite dishes for him.

Hygiene was a difficult issue, as Tedi’s mother was the sole caregiver at home. Tedi’s skin was terribly dehydrated and dirty. Bathing and cleaning him became a wonderful ritual for our team and Tedi.

One of his last requests was to be able to watch Laskar Pelangi, a hugely popular and inspirational movie newly released then. The DVD of the movie had not been released, and there was no way Tedi could sit in a chair at the cinema for any length of time. So, how would we fulfill this young man’s seemingly simple wish?

Our wonderful friends from The Body Shop once again stepped in to help. They called the producer of the movie, who, after hearing about Tedi’s story kindly offered to send her team with the movie to Tedi’s house to allow Tedi and his friends to watch the movie! But, there was no TV in Tedi’s home… so a screen with DVD player was made available… and the kids had a ball!!

Tedi’s last days & the family’s journey

In early December, we opened our first 3-bed inpatient ward. We invited Tedi’s parents to visit and suggested that perhaps Tedi should be admitted to the ward for 24-hour care. Whilst Tedi’s parents were more than willing (as his mother was falling ill from exhaustion), Tedi was adamant that he wanted to stay at home to be close to his family and friends.

Two days before his death, Tedi was admitted to the hospital near his home, as breathing had become difficult for him. He died in the hospital in the early morning of 17th December.


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